Edition 20050402

Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20050402 02/04/2005 THE WORLD OF CO-OPERATION Martyn Platts 10 Plant Variety Protection Committee, Philip Lynch, National Co-operative Movement of Women (Nepal), Midland Power (Iowa), eucalyptus plant, West Cork co-ops (Ireland), Vietnam Co-operative Alliance (VCA)
20050402 02/04/2005 Why faith will be an issue for co-ops Clive Day & Gareth Edwards 11 religious discrimination, Bradford, Leeds Employment Tribuneral, Mohammed Khan
20050402 02/04/2005 Chocolate co-op's recipe for success Kevin McGrother 12 Veda Lawson, North Halifax Partnership, Yorkshire Chocolate (Halifax), Madison Fine Chocolate, Action for Community Enterprise (ACE)
20050402 02/04/2005 SHOP TALK: M&S finance chief: Tesco's property deal: Morrison's slipping: £6m golden hello: Sainsbury's bid mooted: Asda new President Evening Standard: Financial Times: The Daily telegraph: Sunday Express; The Times 12 Darren Shapland , Ian Dyson, Andy Bond, Vincent Tchenguiz, Allan Leighton
20050402 02/04/2005 Claire's mission to revive Guild's glories Susan Press 13 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), Alice Acland, Co-operative Societies, Claire Morgan, Maternity Insurance Benefit, Ipswich and Norwich Co-op, Sue Bell, White Poppy campaign, Co-op Women's Guild
20050402 02/04/2005 A home win! Co-op News 16 David Drew MP, The Barker Review, The Co-operative Group, Housing at the Heart of Sustainable Communities, Andy Love MP, Taunton