Results for "Congress 2005"

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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20040529 29/05/2004 CONGRESS 2004: Next stop Glasgow Co-op News 5 Congress 2005, Royal Concert Hall Glasgow
20050115 15/01/2005 Three in line for Congress role Co-op News 2 Iain MacDonald, Sylvia Jones, John Cronan, Congress 2005
20050531 31/05/2005 It's all change Dave Bowman, Anthony Murray & Kevin McGrother 5 Martin Beaumont, Co-op brand and image, Bob Burlton, 'Co-operation Street' , Congress 2005, Terry Hudgton
20050531 31/05/2005 Overall society results show five-year improvement Dave Bowman, Anthony Murray & Kevin McGrother 6 Congress 2005, Co-operatives UK, Co-op trading, Ben Reid, Co-op Societies, The Phone Co-op, Pauline Green, Out of This World
20050531 31/05/2005 'Co-op needs a phone network' Dave Bowman, Anthony Murray & Kevin McGrother 6 Vivian Woodell, Community Broadband Network, Congress 2005, The Phone Co-op, telephone and internet network
20050531 31/05/2005 Age rule stays in place Dave Bowman, Anthony Murray & Kevin McGrother 6 David Langham, Congress 2005, age rule
20050531 31/05/2005 College in strong financial position Dave Bowman, Anthony Murray & Kevin McGrother 7 Mervyn Wilson, Co-op College, Congress 2005, David Rogers
20050531 31/05/2005 Housing sector report Dave Bowman, Anthony Murray & Kevin McGrother 7 Congress 2005, Co-operative Housing Group
20050531 31/05/2005 CRTG can be expanded Dave Bowman, Anthony Murray & Kevin McGrother 7 Congress 2005, John Macbeth, Co-operative Retail Trading Group (CRTG)
20050531 31/05/2005 Poverty awareness Dave Bowman, Anthony Murray & Kevin McGrother 7 international development, Congress 2005, Gareth Thomas MP, G8 summit - Scotland 2005, Iain MacDonald