Results for "climate change"

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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20070724 24/07/2007 CONGRESS 2007: Climate change motion adopted Dave Bowman, Anthony Murray, Siân Barton 8 Co-operative Congress (2007), Bob Burlton, climate change
20071113 13/11/2007 Uk initiative on climate change backed by ICA Co-op News 10 The Co-operative Group (climate change resolution), Bob Burlton, climate change, International Co-operative Alliance (ICA)
20071227 27/12/2007 CFS chief wants more action on climate change Siȃn Barton 7 David Anderson, Co-operative Financial Services (CFS), climate change
20080303 03/03/2008 Rianne hopes to get 'the system' working for co-ops Susan Press 16 Paul Gosling, Rianne ten Veen, climate change, Friends of the Earth (Mulit-faith project, Birmingham, Green Party, Islamic World Relief
20080401 01/04/2008 From bin to shelf in 14 days, old rubbish being transformed into a product Siȃn Barton 12 The Co-operative Group (eco-system), climate change, Richard Cranshaw, Co-op Complex (Manchester), Waste Works, eco-systems
20080624 24/06/2008 30 years of planting trees gets to the root of climate change issues Pauline Diamond 18 Wangari Maathai (Dr), Kenya, Green Belt Movement , climate change, trees
20080708 08/07/2008 Co-operative Congress 2008: Climate change is focus for co-ops Dave Bowman, Anthony Murray, Kevin McGrother 6 climate change, Co-operative Congress (2008), Iain MacDonald
20080902 02/09/2008 Food eco-system is out of our control Iain Williamson 18 climate change, Paul Roberts (The End of Food), sustainability, The End of Food (Paul Roberts)
20080930 30/09/2008 Campaign backed Dave Bowman 10 climate change, Co-op Party Annual Conference (2008)