Results for "co-operatives Act"

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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
4067 01/07/1997 LETTERS: Co-op Bill needed without delay David Elms 2 co-operatives Act, LETTER, Parliament, Co-operative Party
4343 02/11/2002 NEWS POSTBAG: Labour’s failing our movement John Merrett Bloom 10 ‘The Co-operative Agenda for Labour’, co-operatives Act, mutual sector, Jim Lamb
20001205 05/12/2000 NZ experience of Co-ops Act Co-op News 5 co-operatives Act, Ian Reed, politicians, New Zealand Co-operatives Association Inc.
20021102 02/11/2002 NEWS POSTBAG: Labour’s failing our movement John Merrett Bloom 10 Jim Lamb, ‘The Co-operative Agenda for Labour’, co-operatives Act, mutual sector
20071030 30/10/2007 NEWS VIEWS: Trident is an issue for co-operators John Merrett Bloom 27 Co-op Party, Labour Party, co-operatives Act, Trident nuclear weapons system, ‘The Co-operative Agenda for Labour’, Non-Proliferation Treaty