Results for "Sir Bill Connor"

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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20031011 11/10/2003 Shop violence seminar Co-op News 3 Co-operative Loss Prevention Services Association, Sir Bill Connor, USDAW
20031227 27/12/2003 USDAW backs Christmas Day trading move Co-op News 4 Sunday Trading Act (1994), Kevan Jones MP, Sir Bill Connor, Karen Whitefield MSP
20040131 31/01/2004 Co-operating to tackle Scottish social issues Cathy Jamieson 12 Joe Hill, Freedom From Fear Campaign, Co-op Party, Martin Meteyard, Sir Bill Connor, Scottish co-op, USDAW, Peter Peacock
20040424 24/04/2004 USDAW members will debate Co-op proposals Co-op News 3 Sir Bill Connor, annual delegate meeting, USDAW, David Blunkett MP
20040515 15/05/2004 Co-op workers vocal at Usdaw’s delegate meeting Co-op news 4 USDAW, Specials Through Employment Partnership (STEP), Sir Bill Connor, David Blunkett MP
20040515 15/05/2004 Bill bows out as USDAW Chief Susan Press 13 USDAW, Sunday Trading Act (1994), Sir Bill Connor, Co-operative Commission (2001), Labour Party, John Hannett