Results for "Oxford Swindon and Gloucester Co-op"

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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20031227 27/12/2003 Darwin named as Congress President Co-op News 1 Pauline Green, Keith Darwin, Oxford Swindon and Gloucester Co-op, Lincoln Co-operative Society, Bob Burlton
20040124 24/01/2004 OSG strikes a new deal with NACO Co-op News 2 Oxford Swindon and Gloucester Co-op, Lindsay Ewing, Trish Poole, National Association of Co-operative Officials (NACO)
20040131 31/01/2004 Christmas cheer for leading independents Co-op News 2 Oxford Swindon and Gloucester Co-op, Heart of England Co-op, Leeds Co-op
20040131 31/01/2004 Grant is music to their ears Co-op News 5 Kaleidoscope Centre, Oxford Swindon and Gloucester Co-op, Community Dividend grant
20040214 14/02/2004 Steve’s new role Co-op News 3 Oxford Swindon and Gloucester Co-op, Steve Moralee
20040221 21/02/2004 Old idea gets new image Co-op News 1 superdividend card, Oxford Swindon and Gloucester Co-op
20040619 19/06/2004 OSG’s new £900,000 nursery opens Co-op News 3 ‘Imagine’ childcare business’, Oxford Swindon and Gloucester Co-op, Caincross
20040710 10/07/2004 High-tech approach puts OSG in the finals Co-op News 6 information technology, Oxford Swindon and Gloucester Co-op, Neil Homer, National Business Awards
20040724 24/07/2004 Kids go for Olympic gold Co-op News 2 Oxford Swindon and Gloucester Co-op, Olympic Games
20040724 24/07/2004 Pioneers’ values empower New York Becky Davis 14 Touchstone Energy, Oxford Swindon and Gloucester Co-op, electric co-ops, 1st Rochdale Co-operative (New York City)