Results for "Co-operative Commission"

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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20000725 25/07/2000 How the Co-op is influencing the next Labour manifesto Jim Lee 6 Co-op Party, Co-operation, Co-operative Commission, Labour’s National Policy Forum
20000725 25/07/2000 NEWS POSTBAG: Lets keep this vital platform Eddie McDonnell 7 Co-operative Commission, Co-op Press
20000822 22/08/2000 NEWS POSTBAG Commission must realise that there is no place for big brother Trevor Bottomley 7 Co-operative Commission, Anthony Crosland, Rochdale Principles, national Co-operative, Hugh Gaitskell
20000822 22/08/2000 NEWS POSTBAG EXTRA In the wake of severed Labour links E. McDonnell 14 Labour Party, National Council of Labour, David Wise, New Labour, Co-op Union, Co-op MPs, Co-operative Commission
20010113 13/01/2001 Festive dream turned into a nightmare Edgar Evans 10 Co-operative Commission
20010714 14/07/2001 November date for Special Congress Co-op News 1 Co-operative Commission, New Century House, United Kingdom Co-operative Council (UKCC), Lord Graham of Edmonton
20010915 15/09/2001 Merging ICOM with Co-op Union shows way ahead: A turning point for the Co-operative Movement Bob Cannell 4 Tony Blair, Patricia Hewitt MP, Co-operative Commission, Co-operative Union Special Congress
20010929 29/09/2001 SCS to consider its future role Co-op News 3 Len Burch, Rita Rhodes, Co-operative Commission, Frank Dent, Spear, Society for Co-operative Studies, National Co-operative Foundation, Ian Pyper, Iain Williamson, John Butler, James Bell, Edgar Parnell, Peter Davies, Brian Rose, Roger, Gillian Lonergan, George Conchie
20010929 29/09/2001 A solid foundation for success: Putting mutuality in themainstream Geraint Day 6 Co-operative Congress (2001), public services, Co-operative Commission, Co-operative Foundation, Bill Shannon
20011208 08/12/2001 SPECIAL CONGRESS REPORTS: Monks welcomes decisions as ‘a big step forward’ Simon Binns 4 ICOM, Co-op Union, Co-operative Retail Trading Group (CRTG), Pauline Green, John Monks, Co-operative Commission