Results for "Co-op Party"

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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20041002 02/10/2004 POSTBAG: Lib Dems certainly not wanted in Movement Sarah McCarthy-Fry 10 Bob Hoyle, Labour Party, Liberal Democrats, Co-op Party
20041009 09/10/2004 Co-op's history brought to life Susan Press 13 Co-op Party, Gilsland Spa Hotel, Jim Lamb, Co-op history, CWS, Co-op College, The People's Store - North Eastern Co-op
20041113 13/11/2004 Co-operatives UK gives the Movement a coherent voice Dave Bowman & Pauline Green 8 European Parliament, Labour movement, The Confederation of Co-op Housing (CCH), Co-operatives UK, Holyoake House, Co-operative Union, honours system in Britain, Co-op Party, Industrial Common Ownership Movement (ICOM)
20041120 20/11/2004 POSTBAG: Post Office role Jack Andrews 11 post offices, Co-op Party, Co-op stores
20050122 22/01/2005 POSTBAG: Why should Co-op shoppers support Labour financially? David Marchesi 12 Co-op Party, “New Labour”, Gareth Thomas MP, David Drew MP
20050205 05/02/2005 POSTBAG: Labour is getting it right on health Jack Croysdill 10 Labour Party, Co-op Party, Victoria Hospital (Blackpool), Private Finance Initiative
20050212 12/02/2005 Co-ops urged to help end poverty Co-op News 1 International Co-operative Alliance (ICA), Gordon Brown, Millennium Development Goals, world poverty, Mutuo, Co-op Party, Gareth Thomas MP, Kofi Annan, Pauline Green
20050319 19/03/2005 Rachel is new PPC Co-op News 2 Co-op Party, Rachel Blackmore, Stratford- upon-Avon constituency
20050319 19/03/2005 Rachel pledges to fight for every Stratford vote Susan Press 13 Mike O'Brien MP, Personal Finance Education group, Co-op Party, Rachel Blackmore, Co-operative Housing Finance Society, Fairtrade, Stratford- upon-Avon constituency
20050507 07/05/2005 Co-op activist stands for Labour in Moray Hilda Carr 5 Kevin Hutchens, Co-op Party, Moray constituency, Labour Party