Results for "Association of Convenience Stores (ACS)"

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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
4333 24/08/2002 C-stores facing a wave of crime Co-op News 4 Association of Convenience Stores (ACS), David Rae
20020824 24/08/2002 C-stores facing a wave of crime Colin Richell 4 David Rae, Association of Convenience Stores (ACS)
20040124 24/01/2004 C-stores concern at litter plan Co-op News 3 David Rae, Association of Convenience Stores (ACS)
20040131 31/01/2004 C-store chief warns of tough times ahead Co-op News 1 Tesco, David Turner, David Rae, Association of Convenience Stores (ACS), retail co-operative societies
20040306 06/03/2004 ACS demands safeguards to help c-stores Co-op News 6 Office of Fair Trading (OFT), David Rae, Association of Convenience Stores (ACS)
20040626 26/06/2004 C-store association calls for protection Co-op News 2 Friends of the Earth, Supermarket Code of Practice, Oxfam, Association of Convenience Stores (ACS), David Rae
20040717 17/07/2004 POSTBAG: UK multiples can’t cut it in Europe Ray Henderson 10 Association of Convenience Stores (ACS), mainland western Europe, Martin Beaumont, Tesco
20040814 14/08/2004 Litter discussions Co-op News 6 Association of Convenience Stores (ACS), Alun Michael MP, litter
20040821 21/08/2004 C-store association attacks Tesco tactics Co-op News 5 Tesco superstore (Sheringham), Association of Convenience Stores (ACS), David Rae
20040828 28/08/2004 Call for probe on Sainsbuty c-store deal Co-op News 3 David Rae, Association of Convenience Stores (ACS), Jackson's convenience stores, Sainsbury