Results for "Co-operative Societies"

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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
4069 15/07/1997 Why can't co-operators join their local society? Elaine Dean 4 Andrew Regan, Co-operative Societies, membership procedures, Ilkeston Co-op, Lanica, 'open membership'
20050402 02/04/2005 Claire's mission to revive Guild's glories Susan Press 13 Alice Acland, Co-operative Societies, Claire Morgan, Maternity Insurance Benefit, Ipswich and Norwich Co-op, Sue Bell, Co-op Women's Guild, White Poppy campaign, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)
20050823 23/08/2005 NEWS VIEWS: A national society? Bill Jordan 21 CWS, mergers, Co-operative Societies, Ken Nolan