Results for "Bob Findlay"

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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20040724 24/07/2004 POSTBAG: Iraq’s child mortality is up James O’Nions 10 George Bush, malnutrition, Bob Findlay, sanctions, World Health Organisation report
20040904 04/09/2004 POSTBAG: No apologist for Saddam Hussain James O'Nions 11 sanctions, Iraq, Bob Findlay
20040925 25/09/2004 POSTBAG: Happy to be a "ranter" David Marchesi 10 Peter Hunt, Ed Balls, Iraq, Bob Findlay, New Labour
20060919 19/09/2006 NEWS VIEWS: I'm an expert on these experts Sir Richard Knowles 27 Bob Findlay, professional advice in public service, NHS