Results for "public services"

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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
4284 29/09/2001 A solid foundation for success: Putting mutuality in themainstream Geraint day 6 Co-operative Foundation, Bill Shannon, Co-operative Congress (2001), public services, Co-operative Commission
20010929 29/09/2001 A solid foundation for success: Putting mutuality in themainstream Geraint Day 6 Co-operative Foundation, Bill Shannon, Co-operative Congress (2001), public services, Co-operative Commission
20040522 22/05/2004 Lack of trust spells danger for Labour Jim Dobbin 12 Labour Party, public services, Northern Ireland, war in Iraq
20041030 30/10/2004 POSTBAG: Labour and the Co-operative agenda Bill Jordan 10 ‘The Co-operative Agenda for Labour’, nationalised industries, public services, Royal Mail
20050614 14/06/2005 NEWS VIEWS: Extend co-op democracy Geraint Day 18 quangos, democracy, public services
20050726 26/07/2005 I'm more than a customer, so treat me like the Co-op does Sir Richard Knowles 14 co-op membership, NHS, "choice", public services
20071113 13/11/2007 Trust the co-op model for our schools Meg Hillier 27 Co-op College (schools), public services, schools (mutual model), Co-op Party, Mutuo (schools), Labour Party