Results for "Angela Smith MP"

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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
4052 18/03/1997 POLITICAL NOTEBOOK Alun Michael MP 3 Andy Reed MP, Andy Love MP, Linda Gilroy MP, Labour Party policy, Angela Smith MP, ideals of Co-op Movement
4343 02/11/2002 NEWS BREIFS: MPs’ move on fireworks: Mutuality Conference: Ilkeston Invests Co-op News 4 David Lepper MP, Angela Smith MP, Jim Dobbin MP, John Goodman, Ilkeston Co-op Department Store
20000725 25/07/2000 Angela’s tea triumph Co-op News 4 Angela Smith MP, visitors’ centre, House of Commons
20021102 02/11/2002 NEWS BREIFS: MPs’ move on fireworks: Mutuality Conference: Ilkeston Invests Co-op News 4 Jim Dobbin MP, John Goodman, Ilkeston Co-op Department Store, David Lepper MP, Angela Smith MP
20040327 27/03/2004 Co-op MPs' minimum wage boost for youth Co-op News 3 USDAW, David Lepper MP, Angela Smith MP, Patricia Hewitt MP, Andy Reed MP
20040515 15/05/2004 Angela’s sacrifice boosts education Co-op news 3 Save the Children Fund, Angela Smith MP
20041211 11/12/2004 Government backs Fairtrade shopping Co-op News 4 'Rough Guide to a Better World' , Hilary Benn MP, Department for International Development (DFID), ethical trading, Angela Smith MP, Co-op Bank, world poverty
20071002 02/10/2007 Retail failure will hit Party's future Dave Bowman & Siân Barton 13 Lord Graham of Edmonton, Tommy McAvoy MP, retail co-operative societies, Co-op Party Conference (2007), Don Touhig MP, Angela Smith MP