Results for "Aneurin Bevan"

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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20031018 18/10/2003 We must nail the lies about social housing Glyn Thomas 7 Labour Party, John Prescott MP, Co-operative Movement, homeless, The Co-operative Group AGM, Co-op Party, Sustainable Communities Plan, Aneurin Bevan
20040214 14/02/2004 POSTBAG: A Trojan horse to destroy the NHS? Bernard Parry 10 NHS, mutual principles, foundation hospitals, Aneurin Bevan, Co-op Party, privatisation
20040313 13/03/2004 Owen a top ten hero in Wales Co-op News 3 100 Welsh Heroes, Aneurin Bevan, Robert Owen
20040522 22/05/2004 POSTBAG: Democracy is all about membership John George 10 co-operative directors, Aneurin Bevan, dividend based on purchases
20041204 04/12/2004 Community spirit saves our heritage Don Touhig 7 'Restoration', Miners Institute in Newbridge, South Wales Miners Federation, Aneurin Bevan