Results for "homeless"

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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20000822 22/08/2000 Grant a boost for homeless Co-op News 3 Hostels’ Liaison Group’, Greater Nottingham Co-op, homeless
20031018 18/10/2003 We must nail the lies about social housing Glyn Thomas 7 The Co-operative Group AGM, Co-op Party, Sustainable Communities Plan, Aneurin Bevan, Labour Party, John Prescott MP, Co-operative Movement, homeless
20060516 16/05/2006 Shoe shine scheme helps people off streets Kevin McGrother 18 StreetShine, London, Simon Fenton Jones, homeless
20070918 18/09/2007 Co-op and mutual housing solutions must be explored Glyn Thomas 17 Community Land Trusts, arms length management organisations (ALMOs), homeless, Mutual Home Ownership, English Partnerships, social housing, Community Gateway model
20071002 02/10/2007 Co-ops can care for community Dave Bowman & Siân Barton 12 Co-op Party Conference (2007), homeless, Co-op Party (Bath & Wilts), mutual care homes
20080916 16/09/2008 Lee gets his kicks out of football Katie McQue 16 Co-operative Students Journalist of the Year Awards, Streetsocccer Cymru, football, students, homeless, Swansea