Results for "Andrew King"

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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20030927 27/09/2003 All systems go for energy co-op Co-op News 6 Harlock Hill wind farm, Baywind Energy Co-operative (Cumbria), Andrew King
20051004 04/10/2005 Law association seminar Co-op News 4 Andrew King, Sarah Hughes, Co-operative Law Association (CLA), Peter Hunt, Steve Hassell
20060905 05/09/2006 Wind farm project a success Co-op News 2 Andrew King, Ross Balharry, Energy4All, Boyndie Windfarm Co-op
20070206 06/02/2007 Britain is behind in wind farm initiatives Dave Bowman, Anthony Murray, Kevin McGrother 9 wind farms, Andrew King, Voice '07 conference (Manchester), Energy4All