Results for "Nick Eyre"

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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20030816 16/08/2003 Co-op Group to sue Regan for lost £10 million Co-op News 1 CWS, Nick Eyre, Ronald Zimet, Andrew Regan, Allan Green, Serious Fraud Office, David Chambers
20031108 08/11/2003 Rule changes agreed Co-op News 3 Co-operative Group Special General Meeting, Brian Bober, Keith Darwin, Manchester, Chairman Designate, Graham Stow, Pauline Green, Martin Beaumont, John Monks, Group Directors, Nick Eyre
20040110 10/01/2004 Co-op Group set to sue ICL again Co-op News 1 Sir Graham Melmoth, Richard Seymour QC, The Co-operative Group, Fujitsu, Nick Eyre, Technology and Construction Court
20040313 13/03/2004 Co-op’s Lowry on tour Co-op News 5 Nick Eyre, Cleator Moor, North Eastern and Cumbrian Co-op, Lowry - pastel drawing
20041009 09/10/2004 North East Co-op to be integrated into main Group Co-op News 1 North East Co-op, Neil Arnold, North Eastern and Cumbrian Region, Nick Eyre
20050628 28/06/2005 NEWS VIEWS: Culture still needs to change Simon Sharpe 18 Martin Beaumont, The Co-operative Group, Eoin McGettigan, Nick Eyre
20060110 10/01/2006 Group ends final salary pensions Co-op News 1 Nick Eyre, The Co-operative Group (final pension scheme), pensions
20060822 22/08/2006 Stewart's eight year stint wins Eyre's praise Co-op News 6 Nick Eyre, Steve Watts, Terry Morton, The Co-operative Group, Robin Stewart
20061114 14/11/2006 Review process will not be rushed, says Eyre Co-op News 2 Chris Herries, The Co-operative Group, quinquennial review , Nick Eyre
20061114 14/11/2006 NEWS VIEWS: 'Control freak' ethos damaging Group Vic Parks 23 co-operative democracy, quinquennial review , Nick Eyre, Adrienne Lowe