Results for "age rule"

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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20050531 31/05/2005 Age rule stays in place Dave Bowman, Anthony Murray & Kevin McGrother 6 David Langham, Congress 2005, age rule
20051004 04/10/2005 NEWS VIEWS: Why discriminate? Rufus Adams 22 age rule, The Co-operative Group
20060530 30/05/2006 CO-OP GROUP AGM 2006: SGM in 2007 to decide fate of Group's age rule Dave Bowman 6 age rule, Constitutional Review, Robin Stewart, David Langham, Co-operative Group Special General Meeting (age rule), Nigel Keane , Peter Roffey, The Co-operative Group
20060725 25/07/2006 Four issues of concern Co-op News 15 Co-op executive, Co-op democracy, staff and member relationship, age rule
20060905 05/09/2006 Chelmsford's bid to scrap the age rule Co-op News 3 age rule, Chelmsford Star Co-op
20070710 10/07/2007 CONGRESS 2007: Age rule proposal vetoed by delegates Dave Bowman, Anthony Murray, Siân Barton 9 Jenny Barnes, Pauline Green, Co-operative Congress (2007), age rule, Dave Roberts
20080805 05/08/2008 Crunch vote on age rule at next AGM Co-op News 2 Co-operative Group Special General Meeting (age rule), age rule
20081111 11/11/2008 SGM approves new rule book Dave Bowman 6 Jenny Barnes, Len Wardle, Allen Brett, Review Board , Carl Taylor, Co-operative Group Special General Meeting (age rule), The Co-operative Group (half-yearly meeting 2008), age rule