Results for "Adrian Bailey MP"

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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20040925 25/09/2004 'Carpetbaggers must be fought' Anthony Murray 5 Len Wardle, demutualisation, Yorkshire & Humberside Co-op Party, Building Societies, Adrian Bailey MP
20041002 02/10/2004 POSTBAG: Anomalies of animal laws Gareth Howell 11 Adrian Bailey MP, "free range" egg production
20041023 23/10/2004 MP applauds mutual move Co-op News 4 Adrian Bailey MP, Association of Mutual Insurers
20041225 25/12/2004 Former mutuals less competitive, says new report Co-op News 4 Adrian Bailey MP, Standard Life, Building Societies (All Party Group), demutualisation, Mutuo
20051004 04/10/2005 A co-op Party! Kevin McGrother 8 Vic Parks, Co-op Party becomes a co-operative (2005), Jeanette Timmins, Adrian Bailey MP, Erskine Holmes, Co-op Party Conference (2005), Co-operatives UK
20051115 15/11/2005 MP's launch inquiry into cost of demutualisation Co-op News 2 Building Societies and Financial Mutuals (All Party Parliamentary Group), demutualisation, Adrian Bailey MP
20060321 21/03/2006 Inquiry says that mutuals perform better than PLCs Co-op News 12 Standard Life, Association of Mutual Insurers, demutualisation, all party parliamentary group - demutualisations, Shaun Tarbuck, Adrian Bailey MP
20080304 04/03/2008 MPs pay tribute to Co-op's 'Mr Birmingham' Co-op News 12 Sir Richard Knowles, Adrian Bailey MP