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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20040522 22/05/2004 Chelmsford joins non-food CRTG Co-op News 6 department stores, Co-operative Retail Trading Group (CRTG), Chelmsford Star Co-op
20040522 22/05/2004 Suspicion at Nestlé move Co-op News 6 Cafédirect, Oxfam, Silvie Barr, Fairtrade coffee, ‘Mugged: Poverty in your Coffee Cup’
20040522 22/05/2004 Movement can learn from College approach Stephen Yeo 7 Co-operatives UK, Equitable Life, Stanford Hall, Financial Services Authority (FSA), Penrose Report, Co-op College, Department for International Development (DFID), College Board
20040522 22/05/2004 OUR VIEW: United Congress set to be a winner Co-op News 7 Co-operative Congress, Co-operative Commission (2001)
20040522 22/05/2004 THE WAY WE WERE: 100 years ago: 50 years ago: 25 years ago Co-op News 7 Greater Nottingham Co-op, Frank Doherty, Brotherhood Trust Society, Birkenhead Society
20040522 22/05/2004 Co-operation the key to CFS success Mervyn Pedelty 8 shared co-operative heritage, Co-operative Financial Services (CFS), social responsibility
20040522 22/05/2004 POSTBAG: Our family silver has always been for sale Colin Richell 10 superstores, Martin Beaumont, convenience stores
20040522 22/05/2004 POSTBAG: Let’s hear about ‘member values’ Brian Townsend 10 staff, members, “Co-operative difference”
20040522 22/05/2004 POSTBAG: Democracy is all about membership John George 10 dividend based on purchases, co-operative directors, Aneurin Bevan
20040522 22/05/2004 POSTBAG: Co-op Day help sought Bryan Horsnell 10 International Co-operative Day
20040522 22/05/2004 POSTBAG: Movement should get behind women’s sport Gill and Bernard Parry 10 Member Relations Committees, Liz Davies, “Media ignores women’s sport”
20040522 22/05/2004 Lack of trust spells danger for Labour Jim Dobbin 12 war in Iraq, Labour Party, public services, Northern Ireland
20040522 22/05/2004 SHOP TALK: Tesco’s China doubts: New boss stays quiet: M&S in job hunt: Morrisons a target The Times, The Scotsman, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent 12 Justin King, Robert Wiseman Daries, Hymart-Hymall hypermarkets, Paul Myners
20040522 22/05/2004 Days of hope for 2003 President Susan Press 13 Gareth Thomas MP, Department for International Development (DFID), Ruth Kelly MP, Crisis At Christmas, Hilary Benn MP, Co-operative Congress
20040529 29/05/2004 Beaumont warns of tough times ahead Co-op News 1 The Co-operative Group AGM 2004, Martin Beaumont
20040529 29/05/2004 Shape up or give up Co-op News 1 Co-operative Congress (2004), Keith Darwin
20040529 29/05/2004 Retiring chair warns of the challenges ahead Co-op News 2 Keith Darwin, The Co-operative Group annual report y.e. Jan 2004
20040529 29/05/2004 Group plans to counter likely drop in food sales Co-op News 2 Malcolm Hepworth, Department and Home Stores, Martin Beaumont, Shoefayre
20040529 29/05/2004 Concerns over store franchises Co-op News 2 Chris Blanchett, Co-op history, Alldays, values and principles
20040529 29/05/2004 Store sell-offs? Co-op News 2 Alldays, Balfour Stores
20040529 29/05/2004 Three more board members Co-op News 2 Douglas Fletcher, Allan Smith, Chris Blanchett, Peter Marks
20040529 29/05/2004 United guarantee boosts Port Vale Co-op News 3 Philip Jones, United Co-operatives, Port Vale FC
20040529 29/05/2004 Co-op MPs join in battle to beat BNP Co-op News 3 British National Party (BNP), Unite Against Fascism
20040529 29/05/2004 Fairtrade in the public’s mind Co-op News 3 MORI, Harriet Lamb, Fairtrade Mark
20040529 29/05/2004 CONGRESS 2004: Independence vital says Green Co-op News 4 Co-operatives UK, Co-op Bank, Sheffield CDA, Pauline Green