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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20030830 30/08/2003 United expands recycling scheme Co-op News 6 plastic & cardboard recycling, United Co-operatives Healthcare Group
20030830 30/08/2003 Findhorn forum Co-op News 6 Findhorn Foundation, social entrepreneurs
20030830 30/08/2003 Station c-stores right on track Co-op News 6 Transport Research and Information Network (TRaIN), Dr Paul Salveson, convenience stores, Cooden Beach station, Co-operatives UK
20030830 30/08/2003 Top chef presents Co-op food range Co-op News 6 The Co-operative Group, Truly Irresistible, Anton Mosimann’s Academy, Susan Bromley, Paul Heathcote
20030830 30/08/2003 Local charities backed Co-op News 6 Support for World in Need, Ipswich and Norwich Co-op
20030830 30/08/2003 Local links so vital for the future David Lazell 7 Society for Co-operative Studies conference, Co-op College history, George Jacob Holyoake, “Where will the Co-op Be in 10 Years Time?”, Arnold Bonner
20030830 30/08/2003 OUR VIEW: A long road to peace in Iraq Co-op News 7 Baghdad, Saddam Hussain, President Bush, Jack Straw
20030830 30/08/2003 THE WAY WE WERE: 100 years ago: 50 years ago: 25 years ago Co-op News 7 Central Co-operative Society Blyth, Brandon and Byshottles Society, Mr. B. Tetlow, Birmingham Co-operative Society, exhibition
20030830 30/08/2003 POSTBAG: Let members have their say Steve Healey 10 South East Regional Board, Bob Harber, Slough superstore disposal
20030830 30/08/2003 POSTBAG: We ought to offer more than e-stores Colin Richell 10 Bob Harber, Balfour Stores, Alldays, Slough
20030830 30/08/2003 POSTBAG: Single market is a myth we don’t need Margaret Toch 10 James Nicholl, Edward Heath, Europe, Hugh Gaitskell, NHS, Treaty of Versailles
20030830 30/08/2003 POSTBAG: Nagging doubts on store sales Alistair Graham 10 Alldays, superstores, Slough, Bob Harber, the “Co-operative Commonwealth”, The Co-operative Group
20030830 30/08/2003 POSTBAG: Why are we still backing Labour? Anne Belworthy 11 Labour Party, Hilda Smith, Co-op Party democracy
20030830 30/08/2003 POSTBAG: We must have more regional organisers Hilda Smith 11 community involvement, Peter Hunt, Co-op Education Committees, Co-op Party Summer School
20030830 30/08/2003 POSTBAG: Regan move needs inquiry Ian Hewitt 11 Serious Fraud Office, Damien McCrystal, Andrew Regan, Peter Mandelson
20030830 30/08/2003 POSTBAG: Thanks for the memories David Fairbanks 11 Sir Robert Marshall, Stanford Hall, ‘Let’s Make a Film Festival’, Co-op College
20030830 30/08/2003 Co-op living gives residents control Kevin McGrother 12 Terry O’Reilly, Fay Martin, Co-oprerative Development Services (CDS), Joan Richardson, Huyton Community Co-operative for the Elderly
20030830 30/08/2003 SHOP TALK: Debenhams bid delay: Web shopping: Hewitt needs more time: Alders bid in offing? Pressure on shops The Times, The Independent, The Guardian, The Scotsman, Daily Telegraph 12 Baugur, CVC Capital, competition commission report, Texas Pacific Group (TPG), Patricia Hewitt MP, KPMG, Ocado
20030830 30/08/2003 Meet the co-operative family Susan Press 13 Tom & Maureen Blair, Southern Co-operatives, Portsea Island Co-op, Gerard Blair, Labour Party, Festival of Co-operation
20030830 30/08/2003 Community enterprise nurtures Andrea’s café Co-op News 13 Back 2 Basics Café, Tyne & Wear, Andrea Maddocks
20030830 30/08/2003 A driving desire to change society Joan Straker 14 Co-op College, Newcastle Co-operative Society, Robert Leckie Marshall, Industrial Economics- Nottingham University, Stanford Hall, Co-operative Education Convention
20030830 30/08/2003 Scottish co-operators can make an impact Johann Lamont 14 Co-operative Movement, Scottish Parliament, Co-operative Development Agency
20030830 30/08/2003 THE WORLD OF CO-OPERATION: Auction threatened: Petrol co-op likely: Bank customers duped: Co-op ups dairy stake: Students take co-op option Anthony Murray 15 Daily Nation – Africa, Warrnambool Standard – Australia, Central Maine Daily Senital – US, News 8 Austin – Texas US, Gunaah – India
20030913 13/09/2003 International award for Lloyd Co-op News 1 Lloyd Wilkinson, ICA Congress – Oslo, Rochdale Pioneers Award
20030913 13/09/2003 Movement has key role, says ICA President Co-op News 1 AIDS, United Nations, Iain MacDonald, Ivano Barberini, war, Pauline Green, International Labour Organisation (ILO), poverty, Africa, International Co-operative Alliance (ICA)