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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20070918 18/09/2007 Co-op and mutual housing solutions must be explored Glyn Thomas 17 social housing, Community Gateway model, Community Land Trusts, arms length management organisations (ALMOs), homeless, Mutual Home Ownership, English Partnerships
20070918 18/09/2007 Students lead the way with innovative co-ops David J Thompson 18 USA (Co-operatuive Movement), student co-operatives (US and Canada), student housing co-operatives
20070918 18/09/2007 Don't do it Gordon Lord Graham of Edmonton 19 Gordon Brown, Labour Government (2007)
20070918 18/09/2007 MEMORY LANE: 10 years ago: 25 years ago: 50 years ago Co-op News 20 Terry Thomas (Co-op Bank)
20070918 18/09/2007 NEWS VIEWS: Smaller societies can still operate big stores Colin Richell 22 The Co-operative Group & United merger, Co-operative Retail Trading Group (CRTG), Nick Chilvers (Colchester), East of England Co-op
20070918 18/09/2007 NEWS VIEWS: Is third sector up to the job? Bill Jordan 22 Gordon Brown, third sector, Paul Gosling, volunteers, UNISON
20070918 18/09/2007 NEWS VIEWS: Chinese drugs will create large carbon footprint Ernest E Nice 23 The Co-operative Group (pharmacy), China (manufacturing pharmacy products), carbon footprint
20070918 18/09/2007 NEWS VIEWS: Chinese drugs will create large carbon footprint Barbara Panvel 23 Peter Cooper, Co-op (imports), manufacturing, China (manufacturing pharmacy products)
20070918 18/09/2007 NEWS VIEWS: Chinese drugs will create large carbon footprint Neville Cox 23 manufacturing (toys), Peter Cooper, China (manufacturing pharmacy products)
20070918 18/09/2007 NEWS VIEWS: Group must act on review group's findings quickly Graham E Hessé 23 Co-op democracy, The Co-operative Group & United merger, Bob Burlton
20070918 18/09/2007 COMMENT Co-op News 23 Hugh Gaitskell, Lord Graham of Edmonton, Gordon Brown, Neil Kinnock
20071002 02/10/2007 Food sales boost Group Co-op News 1 The Co-operative Group, trading figures
20071002 02/10/2007 Fantastic response to co-op law review Co-op News 2 Co-operatives UK, Helen Barber, co-operative legislation review (2007)
20071002 02/10/2007 Staff clock up years of service at Lincolnshire Co-op News 2 Lincolnshire Co-operative Society (staff service)
20071002 02/10/2007 Loans crackdown welcomed Co-op News 2 Association of British Credit Unions (ABCUL), loan sharks
20071002 02/10/2007 Radstock to open new store Co-op News 2 Radstock Co-op
20071002 02/10/2007 Former minister chosen as Co-op election candidate Co-op News 3 Stephen Twigg MP, Liverpool West Derby constituency, Labour/Co-op
20071002 02/10/2007 Youth celebrate Co-op thinking Co-op News 3 Youth Harmony, Alban Rees
20071002 02/10/2007 Phone Co-op get a vote for its ethics Co-op News 3 Federation of Communication Services, The Phone Co-op
20071002 02/10/2007 South West help promote local groups page sponsored by The Co-operative Group 4 Andrew North , The Co-operative Group, Practical Partnerships
20071002 02/10/2007 Ethical nappy scheme impressed members page sponsored by The Co-operative Group 4 Practical Partnerships , Real Nappy Project
20071002 02/10/2007 Scotmid on the road to recovery Co-op News 5 Scotmid, John Brodie
20071002 02/10/2007 Co-op Bank sets up £25m fund to aid world's poor Co-op News 6 Co-op Bank, Global Commercial Microfinance Consortium
20071002 02/10/2007 Credit union rules must be relaxed, say Lib Dems Co-op News 9 Association of British Credit Unions (ABCUL), Vince Cable, credit unions
20071002 02/10/2007 New trade group planned Co-op News 9 RISE social enterprise, Triodos Bank