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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20060502 02/05/2006 Say 'no' to nuclear weapons James Nicholl 23 Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty, Gordon Brown, Labour Government
20060502 02/05/2006 NEWS VIEWS: Call for emergency resoulution James Eames, Alistair Graham, Farouk Haider, Ivor D Moody, Douglas Northcott, Martin Rudland, Alan Spence, Hilda Stone 23 Education Forum cancellation (Co-operative Congress), Co-op College, co-operative education
20060502 02/05/2006 Make sure Co-op councillors succeed Linda Gilroy 23 Co-op Party manifesto 2005 - 'Politics for People' -, Co-op and Labour councillors, Co-operative Development, Wolseley Community Economic Development Trust
20060502 02/05/2006 COMMENT Co-op News 23 Financial Services Authority (FSA), proxy votong, co-operative democracy, Musselburgh & Fisherrow Co-op (governance proceedures), member apathy
20060516 16/05/2006 Scotmid upbeat despite £20m loss Co-op News 1 Scotmid, Morning Noon and Night, John Brodie, trading figures
20060516 16/05/2006 Anglia reject two Group stores Co-op News 1 Anglia Regional Co-operative Society, department stores
20060516 16/05/2006 Residents receive Mrs Blair's seal of approval Co-op News 2 Redditch Co-operative Homes, Cherie Blair, Breedon gardens Co-operative
20060516 16/05/2006 Party restructures after funding cut Co-op News 2 Sylvia Hanlon, Peter Hunt, Co-op Party conference (2006), Co-op Party (re-structure 2006)
20060516 16/05/2006 CFS calls for ATM charges to be dropped Co-op News 2 ATM machines, Co-operative Financial Services (CFS)
20060516 16/05/2006 bank paves the way for accountable business Co-op News 3 Business in the Community, David Anderson, Co-op Bank, corporate responsibility
20060516 16/05/2006 Expansion plans Co-op News 3 East of England Co-op, Greenways Neighbourhood Centre
20060516 16/05/2006 Co-op CICs launch Co-op News 3 Helen Barber, Community Interest Companies, Co-operatives UK
20060516 16/05/2006 Unites's first quarter up by £32m Co-op News 3 United Co-operatives, trading figures
20060516 16/05/2006 Minister calls on third sector to deliver games Co-op News 4 Olympic Games (2012), Alun Michael MP
20060516 16/05/2006 Triodos profit increases 46% Co-op News 4 Triodos Bank
20060516 16/05/2006 Former chairman banned Co-op News 4 Margaret Cole (FSA Director of Enforcement), Albert Alphonso Carlyle Waite, London Adventist Credit Union, Financial Services Authority (FSA)
20060516 16/05/2006 Co-op highlights Fairtrade effect on Ghana... Co-op News 5 Fairtrade, Ghana, Brad Hill, The Co-operative Group
20060516 16/05/2006 ...while Vicky boosts the country's sight Co-op News 5 Ghana, Vicky Lockyer, Leeds Co-op opticians
20060516 16/05/2006 Co-op monkeys abound Co-op News 6 Shaldon Wildlife Trust, European Association of Zoos, Teignmouth co-op store, Tracy Moore
20060516 16/05/2006 Co-op commends SW women who make a real difference Co-op News 6 Women Who Make a Difference Awards (Bath)
20060516 16/05/2006 Co-op boost for Cornwall Library Service Co-op News 6 Home Library Service (Cornwall)
20060516 16/05/2006 Prime Minister at USDAW conference Co-op News 8 USDAW (conference 2006), Tony Blair, John Hannett
20060516 16/05/2006 Societies investment programme pays off Co-op News 8 Heart of England Co-op, Ali Kurji
20060516 16/05/2006 Movement set to embrace new look, says Morgan Dave Bowman & Zoe Morgan 10 The Co-operative Group (brand pilot scheme), regional co-operative societies (brand project), co-op identity, cloverleaf logo, Co-op family of businesses, Zoë Morgan, Brand Project Panel
20060516 16/05/2006 A busy programme for Congress Co-op News 12 Fairtrade (congress 2006), Co-op Congress (2006), single national society (congress 2006), Meg Munn MP