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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20050920 20/09/2005 Reclaim the railways for mutuals Kevin McGrother and Anthony Murray 8 Co-op Party Conference (2005), bus and train services (mutualisation)
20050920 20/09/2005 Party should adopt Tobin Tax policy Kevin McGrother and Anthony Murray 8 Co-op Party Conference (2005), Tobin Tax, Gordon Brown
20050920 20/09/2005 Make the UK a Fairtrade country Kevin McGrother and Anthony Murray 8 Peter Smith, Co-op Party Conference (2005), Fairtrade Parliament, Co-op Group Scottish Party, Fairtrade
20050920 20/09/2005 Co-op's are not just an 'add on' Kevin McGrother and Anthony Murray 9 Co-operative Development, Co-op Party Conference (2005), The Phone Co-op, Greater Nottingham Co-op Party, Alun Michael MP, Co-operative Development Agency for Scotland
20050920 20/09/2005 Enjoy the moment Kevin McGrother and Anthony Murray 9 parliamentary group, Peter Hunt, Co-op Party Conference (2005)
20050920 20/09/2005 Attacks condemned Kevin McGrother and Anthony Murray 9 the Middle East, Co-op Party Conference (2005), London bombings (July 2005)
20050920 20/09/2005 How the nations supermarkets can help raise animal wlfare standards Heather Pickett 10 Compassion in World Farming Trust, animal welfare, supermarkets - animal welfare, "free range" egg production
20050920 20/09/2005 Amanda breaks barriers to address diversity challenges Susan Press 12 Funeralcare (catering for diverse religious beliefs), Amanda Jones, ethnicity, The Co-op Group Diversity Programme, Race for Opportunity, diversity, Disability Discrimination Act
20050920 20/09/2005 A community farm in your backyard Kevin McGrother 13 Jeremy Iles, Federation of City Farms & Community Gardens, Mudchute Park & Farm, Bristol (city farms), city farms
20050920 20/09/2005 Tribute to a lovely man Lord Graham of Edmonton 14 Open University, Co-operative Commission (1958), Alun Michael MP, James Callaghan (memorial service), Portsea Island Co-op, Audrey Callaghan
20050920 20/09/2005 The hitchikers guide for the Co-op manager David Lazell 15 Sir Robert Marshall, Robert H Thouless, Co-op College
20050920 20/09/2005 Funeral Managers Conference to focus on "Co-op difference" Co-op News 16 Jim Mcllveen, Paul Wright, Co-operative Funeral Service Managers Association (CFSMA)
20050920 20/09/2005 NEWS VIEWS: Time to re-examing Co-op Group's role and structure Denis Hayes 20 Project Exchequer , National Federation of Progressive Co-operators, The Co-operative Group structure and purpose, quinquennial review 2005, Co-op Bank
20050920 20/09/2005 NEWS VIEWS: Group cuts should be spread evenly Ray Henderson 21 The Co-operative Group (cost cutting), John Smith
20050920 20/09/2005 NEWS VIEWS: What is the Co-op Commonwealth? Daryl Barker 21 Stephen Yeo, Co-op Party, Co-operative Commonwealth
20050920 20/09/2005 NEWS VIEWS: Members views vital to the decision making process Leslie Freitag 21 Shoefayre, quinquennial review 2005, co-operative democracy, Alldays, Priory Motors
20050920 20/09/2005 NEWS VIEWS: Mutual sport initiatives work, so let's see more Bill Jordan 22 People's Olympics, London 2012 Olympic Games bid, FC Barcelona, Andy Love MP, Richard Caborn MP, Meg Hillier MP, Supporters Direct
20050920 20/09/2005 NEWS VIEWS: What happened to our four leaf clover? Norman Sturgess 22 cloverleaf logo
20050920 20/09/2005 NEWS VIEWS: Tell me they're not evil Barbara Thein 22 Egypt, terrorism, MIke Paxton
20050920 20/09/2005 NEWS VIEWS: Ethical and ethnic confusion? Stephen Youd-Thomas 22 social goals, Frank Jones
20050920 20/09/2005 NEWS VIEWS: The whole democratic structure of the Group should be changed M.D. Mathieson 23 quinquennial review 2005, North Eastern Society, The Co-operative Group structure and purpose, co-operative democracy
20050920 20/09/2005 NEWS VIEWS: Cut support to Labour David Marchesi 23 Labour Party, Co-op Party funding, The Co-operative Group
20050920 20/09/2005 NEWS VIEWS: CIS should offer grant help Victor Barton 23 Co-operative Insurance Society (CIS), Alan Wright, Co-op Society Pension Schemes
20050920 20/09/2005 NEWS VIEWS: Food is Co-op's lifeblood James Nicholl 23 trading performance, Martyn Wates, Co-operative Retrail Services (CRS), Alan Middleton
20051004 04/10/2005 Group sales slump Co-op News 1 trading, Martin Beaumont, The Co-operative Group