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Edition Date Title of Article Author Page Keywords
20050823 23/08/2005 Co-operatives should be at forefront of public services Co-op News 10 Co-op Party (2005 manifesto), Department for International Development (DFID), International Finance Facility, People in Power, Frank McAveety MSP, G8 summit - Scotland 2005, Co-operatives and Community Benefit Societies Act, Employee Share Plan
20050823 23/08/2005 Pennell's double role Co-op News 10 Gerry Pennell, Co-operative Financial Services (CFS)
20050823 23/08/2005 Seaton's new pharmacy Co-op News 10 Seaton Valley Co-operative Society, Paul Kelly (Pharmacist)
20050823 23/08/2005 The Ten Greatest Co-operative Ideas David Lazell 15 great co-operative ideas
20050823 23/08/2005 It may be summer but Mike's got the job in hand Susan Press 16 the Middle East, war on terror, Mike Gapes MP, Defence Select Committee, Northern Ireland, Foreign Affairs Committee, National Organisation of Labour Students
20050823 23/08/2005 New beginnings for Tyneside Kevin McGrother 17 Graham Mason, New Beginnings (Gateshead), Champion Central Heating and Plumbing
20050823 23/08/2005 Welsh tour highlights co-operative efforts Anthony Murray 18 Tyrone O’Sullivan, Simon Harris, United Nations, Tower Colliery, Andreas Nicklisch, Wales Co-operative Centre, Mondragon Co-operativa Corporation
20050823 23/08/2005 Do we think of the African boy when we munch our creamy chocolate? Co-op News 19 Fairtrade, Leeds Co-op (poetry competition), Make Poverty History (2005), World Fairtrade Day, Anne Gairn
20050823 23/08/2005 MEMORY LANE: 50 years ago: 25 years ago: 10 years ago Co-op News 20 Balloon Street, Lewis Lee, co-op membership, Co-operative Retail Trading Group (CRTG)
20050823 23/08/2005 NEWS VIEWS: Second rate pension needs attention... Alan Wright 21 Co-op Pensions Fund
20050823 23/08/2005 ...and today's pension policy should be investigated too James Walker 21 Co-op Pensions Fund
20050823 23/08/2005 NEWS VIEWS: A national society? Bill Jordan 21 CWS, mergers, Co-operative Societies, Ken Nolan
20050823 23/08/2005 NEWS VIEWS: Missing Co-op brand link M. Gander 21 Co-op brand products (divi), Martin Beaumont
20050823 23/08/2005 NEWS VIEWS: Democratic control must not be treated as an optional extra Ron Hunter 22 Vic Parks, democratic control, quinquennial review 2005, CWS/CRS merger, Project Exchequer
20050823 23/08/2005 NEWS VIEWS: Striking a raw nerve Alan Middleton 22 co-op professional officials, Martyn Wates
20050823 23/08/2005 NEWS VIEWS: Striking a raw nerve Bill Watson 22 return on capital employed, Martyn Wates, Alan Middleton, co-op professional officials
20050823 23/08/2005 NEWS VIEWS: Striking a raw nerve Colin Richell 22 area committees, Project Exchequer , co-operative democracy
20050823 23/08/2005 NEWS VIEWS: Complacency threatens co-operative democracy Philip Rapier 23 co-operative democracy, co-op professional officials, Vic Parks, renumeration (co-op professional officials), Andrew Regan, co-op organisations
20050823 23/08/2005 A tribute to Bernard Rhodes Tom Carbery 23 Bernard Rhodes
20050906 06/09/2005 Co-op's brand new look unveiled Co-op News 1 The Co-operative Group (brand pilot scheme), co-operative brand, Zoë Morgan
20050906 06/09/2005 Co-operative Party changes image Colin Richell 2 Co-op Party Conference (2005), Co-op Party logo
20050906 06/09/2005 Party donations Co-op News 2 Co-op Party (donations)
20050906 06/09/2005 Demonstrate the co-op difference Co-op News 2 the Co-op difference
20050906 06/09/2005 Pharmacy opens doors Co-op News 2 Co-op Pharmacy (Denby Dale)
20050906 06/09/2005 100 Group stores put up for sale Co-op News 3 The Co-operative Group - convenience stores, sale of convenience stores